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IELTS Preparation

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Course Outline

At UK School, our IELTS course is designed for more advanced students who want to prepare for the IELTS examination. In every lesson you will:

  • Learn useful exam strategies
  • Practice all four language skills – reading, writing, speaking and listening
  • Revise vocabulary and grammar points appropriate to your level                                                              
  • Take mock exams to evaluate your progress
  • use video recordings and exam papers from real exams Each course modules your English language skills to enable you to become a qualified speaker of English; making you eligible for admission in any international course at any top university.

What makes our IELTS course special?

  • Our experienced IELTS tutors will monitor your progress and advise you when you are ready to take the IELTS thus ensuring your best chance for success.
  • Our friendly admin staff will help you to find the nearest IELTS exam centre and to complete the registration documents.
  • Our affiliation with several British universities means we can help you get admission to them.

Criteria for Entry

Minimum entry level: IELTS 4.5 or equivalent; or scoring at least 50 on our written placement test plus verbal interview to confirm suitability. Below this level, it is best to improve your general English before joining the IELTS course, our other English courses will help. Many of our students combine the IELTS course with a general English course.

How to Apply

To apply, please visit the application procedure page. Get your invaluable IELTS tuition here at UK School! Please click the links for information on General English Courses, Bespoke Business English Courses, Bespoke English for Special Purposes Courses or Cambridge Examination Preparation Courses.


UK School of English in London was founded in 2002 and we aim to provide quality English language courses.

Check out our Policy for more details.

+44 730 066 0786 | +44 203 302 3392 |

71A South End, Croydon CR0 1BF


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