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Attendance Policy

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The purpose of this policy is to:

  • ensure that students education and welfare is not harmed through lateness or absence
  • ensure that students are warned of the implications of lateness or absence
  • ensure that students, teachers and other UK School staff are all aware of required standards and procedures regarding attendance

UK School of English monitors student attendance. This is explained to teachers and to students in the Welcome Meeting. Students are given the following information about this in their Student Handbook.

Class times

Class times are shown on the timetable in the Induction Pack. All students are expected to attend all lessons. UK School of English keeps a record of the number of hours that each student attends. Students should always be on time for lessons. If students are more than fifteen minutes late for a lesson, they will be marked absent and they should apologise to the teacher and give the reason why.


All students are expected to attend all classes. Students must inform the class teacher in advance if they expect to be absent. They must have a good reason for this.

If a student is absent from school for more than 2 consecutive days and does not tell us, we will telephone the student, their next to kin or emergency contact and will send 1st Warning letter. If a student cannot come to school unexpectedly, they must phone the school before 11am, or ask their host to do this for them.

If a student is absent for 4 consecutive days without any valid reason then student will be issued with SECOND WARNING LETTER.

If a student is absent for a week without any valid reason then student will be TERMINATED from the college.

In addition to the above a student can also be terminated for other reasons, please refer to Termination policy.

Visa students

Students who have received a Short Term Study Visa to attend a course at  UK School of English  must attend a minimum of 85% of their lessons, as a condition of stay in the UK. Note that the  UK School of English is not a UKVI Tier 4 Sponsor and therefore does not issue General Student Visa supporting documentation.


If a student wants to take a holiday (for any reason, including religious observance) during their course, they must tell the school at least four weeks before the start of their holiday. They may take one or more full weeks (not days). We do not refund fees but add the weeks that the student takes as holiday They may take one or more full weeks (not days). We do not refund fees but add the weeks that the student takes as holiday to the end of their course.

Termination Policy


UK School of English recognises the importance of monitoring student attendance to ensure that it continues to meet its duty of care to its students.

The School will implement consistent and robust attendance monitoring practices which will be adopted by School in order to help identify absences from timetabled teaching sessions.

The School will clearly communicate this policy to all students in addition to handbooks.

The School Expects to have minimum 85% Attendance.

If attendance goes below 85% or if a student takes 2 consecutive days off without any valid reason then student will be issued with FIRST WARNING LETTER.

If a student is absent for 4 consecutive days without any valid reason then student will be issued with SECOND WARNING LETTER.

If a student is absent for a week without any valid reason then student will be TERMINATED from the college.

In addition, the following events may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.  This list is not all- inclusive, but rather a list of several examples to consider:

  • Criminal acts
  • Sexual misconduct or relationship misconduct
  • Harassment or discrimination
  • Violating drug, alcohol or tobacco use policies
  • Theft or wilful damage of property



Please refer to the School's Student handbook, if you have any concerns in relation to the procedures or processes that have been applied in relation to Student Termination Policy or contact a member of staff at reception.



UK School of English in London was founded in 2002 and we aim to provide quality English language courses.

Check out our Policy for more details.

+44 730 066 0786 | +44 203 302 3392 |

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